Saturday, December 5, 2009

What Would Alexander Pope Say?

I am almost nearly at a loss for words over this, wherein local food writer decides to go to war with a new pizzeria and the local charter school for which said pizzeria is doing a charity event: Free Pizza, New Blue Collar Food Blog (make your way down to the comments for the real fireworks). Just two things:

(1) You can read more of Lee Klein's art reviews here on this blog.

(2) Amidst all the kerfuffle over ridiculing schoolkids, it apparently falls to me to note that he also saw fit to use this opportunity to take shots at a blog that hasn't published anything in three years.

It would seem we are clearly on turf where angels fear to tread.


  1. Wow! Need some action like that up here!Yeah, like a hole in the head.

  2. And Lee wondered why I once commented, "Man, Lee Klein really shines in the role of douchebag, eh?"

  3. I've commented enough on charter school-pizza thing, but just want to note that I erroneously posted 3-year old blue collar critic blog because supposed author of said blog emailed me link, told me it was new, and I thought, after reading the mission statement, I'd give the guy a shout out. My mistake, due to sloppy blog research (which I believe is quite different from sloppy newspaper journalism), but good intentions.

    Also, Frod -- funny link to my other "art review", but just to spare any apoplectic reaction, let me just state for the record that it is not actually my review.

  4. OCD - that's great shot of the Arzaks in your profile. Just read your Spain travelogue, sounds much like the trip we took nearly a year ago. I'm more than ready to go back.

    LK - hopefully anyone with a sense of humor will recognize the other blog I linked to is not actually yours (there's not even any alliteration).
